By CM Biradar, GGGC
In recent years, scientific research and ancient food wisdom have increasingly focused on the relationship between health and lifestyle factors and reversing or slowing the aging process. Particular attention has been paid to how our way of living (diets- more fruits and fresh produce, exercise, yoga, meditation, social, environment) can potentially slow down aging and promote overall health and wellness. One key area of interest is the effect of healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices on telomeres; the protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes play a crucial role in cellular ageing.
Healthy Foods and Aging
Health is a continuum of the soil, water, air, sunlight, flora and fauna, and everything is connected and caring in an integrated system. In the natural system, everything is in sync and synergy. So, how we grow food, diversity, culture, and nature are synch and symbiotic – restoring this union makes the food system sustainable, equitable, inclusive, and healthy [1]. Healthy foods grown under healthy conditions, such as healthy soil and an environment rich in nutrition, antioxidants, flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients, have been associated with slower ageing and longer telomeres. A study shows that those who consume good diets have longer telomeres compared to those who don’t [2], and consuming healthy food and balanced diets and diversity helps restore one health and plenty of health [3]. The diet’s high content of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and good fats (e.g., ghee, coconut and olive oil), may contribute to staying healthy and younger [4].
Exercise and Telomere Length
Regular physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on health and telomere length. A meta-analysis published in the journal Ageing Reversal Research Reviews concluded that individuals who engaged in regular moderate to vigorous exercise had significantly longer telomeres compared to sedentary individuals [5].
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and meditation, practices that combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and mindfulness, have also been linked to slower cellular aging. A study in the journal Cancer found that breast cancer survivors who practiced yoga had longer telomeres compared to those who didn’t [6]. Similarly, research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology showed that loving-kindness meditation was associated with longer telomeres in women [7].
Lifestyle Interventions and Telomerase Activity
Telomerase, the enzyme responsible for maintaining telomere length, can be influenced by lifestyle factors. A landmark study published in The Lancet Oncology, and Eat Lancets demonstrated that comprehensive lifestyle changes, including a plant-based diet, moderate exercise, stress management techniques, and social support, led to increased telomerase activities[8].
ART of Living Longer and Healthier
Age Reversal Therapy (ART) of living longer, healthier, and wealthier is deeply intertwined with the quality of our nutrition and lifestyle choices. By prioritizing organic, naturally grown foods under healthy soil and enviroment and integrating them with mindful practices like yoga and meditation, we may unlock the potential for extended healthspan – the period of life spent in good health.
While the field of Age Reversal Therapy (ART) is still evolving, the current evidence suggests that an organic, plant-rich diet combined with mindful lifestyle practices offers a promising path to longevity and wellness. As always, it’s important to consult with healthcare professionals when making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.
While aging is a complex process influenced by various factors, including genetics, mounting evidence suggests that lifestyle choices can play a significant role in how we age at a cellular level. By adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and practicing stress-reduction techniques like yoga and meditation, individuals may be able to positively influence their telomere length and potentially slow down the aging process.
However, it’s important to note that while these diets and lifestyle factors show promise, more research is needed to fully understand their long-term effects on aging and overall health especially urban lifestyles where access to good food is still a challenge. Always consult with elders with food wisdom and healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your diets and lifestyle or starting new health regimens.
Functional Agroecosystems: An Ultimate Solution for Mitigating Floods and Droughts in India
By CM Biradar, GGGC
In an era of rapid economic growth and increasing climate uncertainty, India and the world face significant challenges in balancing development with environmental sustainability. Functional agroecosystems are emerging as a powerful solution to address the dual challenges of floods and droughts while supporting the country’s agricultural sector. By embracing sustainable farming practices such as regenerative agriculture and agroforestry, India can create resilient landscapes that not only withstand extreme weather events but also contribute to a greener, more equitable future (Biradar et al., 2021).
India has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years, with its GDP expanding at an average rate of 6.6% between 2014 and 2019 to 7.3-8.2 % in 2024. However, this growth has come at an environmental cost. India’s CO₂ emissions have risen by 335% since 1990, reaching 2.6 billion tonnes in 2019. Per capita CO₂ emissions in India have soared in recent decades, climbing from roughly 0.4 MT in 1970 to 2.07 MT in 2023. Unsustainable land management, especially agricultural practices and intensification, has led to soil degradation, affecting 147 million hectares or 44.7% of India’s total land area. The reduction of perennial vegetation and trees in landscapes, along with climate change, has exacerbated India’s vulnerability to natural as well as manmade disasters.
Image 1: Map showing tree deficit landscapes of India, predominantly intensive agricultural and degraded lands.
The frequency of extreme events such as cyclones, floods, and droughts and heat waves has increased by 52% between 2001-2019 compared to 1982-2000. Floods affected more than 17 million people annually between 2010-2021. Droughts have become more frequent, with 42% of India’s land area facing drought in 2019. There is certainly need of drought and flood warning to mitigate these impacts (van Ginkel, and Biradar, 2021). These statistics underscore the urgent need for sustainable solutions to enhance India’s resilience to climate change while supporting its agricultural sector, which employs nearly 42% of the country’s workforce.
The Power of Functional Production Systems
Functional production systems, which refer to functional agroecosystems, regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, natural farming, permaculture, etc mainly embody the fundamental ecological principle that ‘production follows functions.’ This paradigm shift represents a powerful approach to creating economically viable and ecologically sustainable landscapes. By prioritizing ecosystem functions—such as nutrient cycling, water retention, and biodiversity support—these systems naturally enhance agricultural productivity. The integration of diversified crops, multipurpose trees, and indigenous livestock creates a complex web of interactions that mimics natural ecosystems. For instance, nitrogen-fixing trees enrich soil fertility, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers, while also providing fodder for livestock and improving soil structure. This enhanced soil structure, in turn, increases water retention capacity, making the landscape more resilient to both floods and droughts. The diverse plant species support a rich array of pollinators and beneficial insects, naturally managing pests and reducing the need for chemical interventions. As these ecological functions are restored and strengthened, agricultural production becomes more stable and sustainable. This approach not only leads to more consistent yields but also opens up multiple income streams for farmers through diversified products such as fruits, timber, honey, and livestock products. The result is a green economic growth model where ecological sustainability and economic viability are mutually reinforcing, creating resilient landscapes that can withstand climate variability while supporting rural livelihoods and contributing to national food security.
Functional agroecosystems are built on the principle of systematic integration. This approach combines: 1. Diversified crops, 2. Multipurpose trees, and 3. Indigenous livestock. This integration creates a symbiotic environment where each element supports and enhances the others, addressing multiple crises simultaneously.
The Five Highs of Functional Agroecosystems
Functional agroecosystems operate on a principle of interconnected “five highs” that synergistically contribute to ‘good food’ and ‘livable environmental’ security while fostering sustainable and resilient livelihoods (Biradar 2021). This process begins with high biodiversity, which forms the foundation of ecosystem resilience. Increased biodiversity, including both above- and below-ground species, enhances ecosystem functionality through niche complementarity and facilitation effects (Isbell et al., 2017). This biodiversity directly contributes to the second “high”: enhanced carbon sequestration. Diverse plant communities, particularly those including deep-rooted perennials and trees, significantly increase soil organic carbon stocks (Lange et al., 2015). The improved soil structure resulting from higher organic matter content leads to the third “high”: increased water retention capacity. Research indicates that a 1% increase in soil organic matter can increase water-holding capacity by up to 3.7% (Hudson, 1994) and 1 gram of soil organic matter holds 8 grams of water and a kg of leguminous mixed tree leaf litter holds water anywhere from 50-100 litres, also help observe atmospheric water (Biradar et al. 2022x and field observations). These three factors collectively support the fourth “high”: high productivity. The improved soil health, soil water availability, and ecosystem services (such as pollination and natural pest control) provided by biodiversity result in more stable and often higher yields (Pretty et al., 2018, Biradar et al, 2021). Finally, this productivity, combined with the diverse income streams from a multi-functional landscape, contributes to the fifth “high”: high equity and social inclusion. The distributed benefits of a diverse agroecosystem, including non-timber forest products, livestock outputs, and ecosystem services, can lead to more equitable economic outcomes for rural communities (Waldron et al., 2017). This sequential process of five highs creates a positive feedback loop, where each “high” reinforces and amplifies the others, resulting in a robust system that enhances both ecological and socio-economic resilience.
Restoring Biodiversity
One of the key benefits of functional agroecosystems is the restoration of biodiversity. By moving away from monoculture farming and embracing a diverse range of plant and animal species. Restoring agro-biodiversity through the strategic incorporation of diverse crops, trees, and livestock is fundamental to creating resilient and productive agroecosystems. This approach, tailored with site-specific interventions, significantly enriches habitats for beneficial microbiomes, insects, pollinators, and birds, thereby enhancing natural pest and disease control mechanisms (Altieri et al., 2015; Biradar et al., 2020). Research indicates that increasing plant diversity can reduce pest abundance by 36% and increase pest enemy abundance by 44% compared to monocultures (Dainese et al., 2019). This enhanced biodiversity contributes to improved land and water productivity, with studies showing that diversified farming systems can increase yield stability by up to 15% (Raseduzzaman and Jensen, 2017). A prime example of this approach is the traditional Indian Nandi Krishi system, which reintroduces cow and oxen-based farming. This system approach promotes akkadi salu (mixed cropping), inter-cropping, and relay cropping, integrated with bio-fertilizer (bio-N, green manure and mulch) and fodder trees. Such integration creates a more balanced ecosystem that not only increases diet diversity but also ensures a continuous supply of fodder for livestock, especially in the off-season. Moreover, this diverse system significantly enhances carbon sequestration potential, with agroforestry and regenerative agroecosystems capable of sequestering much higher carbon sequestration than monocropping. The incorporation of livestock in this system further contributes to soil health through manure inputs and biological nitrogen fixation, potentially increasing soil organic carbon by 0.5-1.5 Mg ha^-1 year^-1 (Lal, 2004). This holistic approach to agro-biodiversity restoration thus creates a synergistic effect, simultaneously addressing issues of productivity, sustainability, and climate resilience in agricultural landscapes.
Carbon Sequestration and Healthy Soil
Healthy soil is the best indicator of healthy people and a healthy nation. Regenerative agriculture practices, a cornerstone of functional agroecosystems, focus on restoring and building soil health. This approach increases organic matter in the soil, enhances carbon sequestration and improves soil structure and water retention capacity. As a result, these systems become powerful carbon sinks, contributing to climate change mitigation while also becoming more resilient to extreme weather events.
Building upon the high biodiversity in functional agroecosystems, the resultant increase in carbon sequestration potential plays a crucial role in enhancing soil health and overall ecosystem resilience. Diversified systems of crops, trees, and livestock effectively maximize solar energy capture and atmospheric carbon fixation, leading to substantial increases in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Research indicates that agroforestry systems in India can sequester 0.5-6.9 Mg C ha^-1 year^-1 (Dhyani et al., 2017), while the integration of livestock can further enhance SOC by 0.5-1.5 Mg ha^-1 year^-1 (Lal, 2004). This enhanced carbon sequestration significantly improves soil structure and function. Higher SOC levels are strongly correlated with increased soil microbial biomass and diversity, with studies showing up to a 30% increase in microbial biomass carbon for each 1% increase in SOC (Fierer et al., 2009). The improved soil structure and microbial activity dramatically enhance water retention capacity, with each 1% increase in soil organic matter potentially increasing water holding capacity by up to 3.7% (Hudson, 1994). This improved water retention, coupled with enhanced infiltration rates due to better soil structure, significantly aids in rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge. Consequently, these processes contribute to the restoration of springsheds and the rejuvenation of river flows. For instance, a study in the Western Ghats of India found that agroforestry-based watershed management increased stream flow by 23-65% compared to monoculture landscapes (Bonell et al., 2010). Thus, the cascade of effects from high biodiversity to enhanced carbon sequestration creates a positive feedback loop, fostering soil health, improving water cycles, and ultimately enhancing the overall resilience and productivity of the agroecosystem.
On-Farm Soil Water Management
The most critical aspect of functional agroecosystems in the context of flood and drought mitigation is their superior land and on-farm soil water management capabilities. These systems excel at harvesting rainwater (holding rain where it falls), storing water in the soil profile and managing the subsurface flow and return of springsheds. By improving soil structure and increasing organic matter content, these systems can absorb and retain more water during heavy rainfall events, reducing the risk of flooding. During dry periods, the stored water helps sustain crops and maintain ecosystem functions, mitigating the impacts of drought.
On-farm water management leads to high rainwater retention in the soil is a critical outcome of the synergistic relationship between biodiversity and soil health in functional agroecosystems. The enhanced biodiversity, particularly the diversity of plant species and their associated root systems and rhizosphere interactions (root exudates), coupled with increased soil organic matter (SOM), significantly improves the water dynamics of the farm ecosystem. One gram of soil organic matter (SOC) holds eight grams of water, and with each 1% increase in SOM, the water-holding capacity of soil increases by approximately 3.5-8% (Hudson, 1994). This improved water retention is further enhanced by the diverse below-ground biomass, with studies showing that a 10% increase in root biomass can lead to a 5-10% increase in soil water storage capacity (Yadav et al., 2019).
Image 2: Role of the trees and perineal vegetation cover in enhancing groundwater recharge and reducing surface runoff leads to return of springsheds
The complex root networks of diverse plant communities also substantially increase soil porosity and infiltration rates. For instance, agroforestry systems have been found to increase infiltration rates by 1.6-10.2 times compared to monoculture systems (Ilstedt et al., 2007). These improvements in soil structure and water infiltration significantly reduce surface runoff, with some studies reporting reductions of up to 65% in diverse agroecosystems compared to conventional systems (Palm et al., 2014). Consequently, this leads to increased subsurface base flow and enhanced groundwater recharge. The reduced surface runoff also mitigates soil erosion, with agroforestry systems showing up to 50% lower erosion rates compared to conventional agriculture (Nair, 2007). These combined effects of improved water retention and reduced soil loss contribute to enhanced land and water productivity. Studies have shown that water use efficiency in diverse agroecosystems can be up to 100% higher than in monocultures (Mao et al., 2012). Furthermore, the improved water availability and soil health help plants overcome both biotic and abiotic stresses. For example, diverse agroforestry systems have demonstrated 20-30% higher resilience to drought compared to monoculture systems (Verchot et al., 2007). Thus, high on-farm water retention serves as a crucial link in the chain of ecosystem services provided by functional agroecosystems, contributing significantly to their overall resilience and productivity.
Green Economic Transition
Functional agroecosystems don’t just benefit the environment; they also offer significant economic advantages, such as higher and more stable yields, reduced input costs (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides), diversified income streams and increased resilience to market fluctuations and more climate-smart. This economic model supports a green economic transition, moving agriculture towards sustainability while maintaining or even improving profitability.
Image 3: Production follows function and restoring the ecological functions is critical for green economic transition with multiple benefits and co-existence
Functional agroecosystems not only confer environmental benefits but also offer substantial economic advantages, driving a green economic transition in agriculture. These systems demonstrate higher and more stable yields, with meta-analyses showing yield increases of 20-55% and yield stability improvements of up to 30% compared to conventional monocultures (Pretty et al., 2018; Raseduzzaman & Jensen, 2017). The diversification inherent in these systems significantly reduces input costs; studies report decreases in synthetic fertilizer use by 30-50% and pesticide use by 50-100% (Davis et al., 2012). Furthermore, the integration of multiple crops, trees, and livestock creates diversified income streams, enhancing economic resilience. Research indicates that agroforestry systems can increase farm profitability by 40-70% compared to monoculture systems (Roshetko et al., 2013). This economic diversification also bolsters resilience to market fluctuations; a study of 1,800 farms across 10 European countries found that more diverse farms had 30% lower income variability (Bowles et al., 2020). Importantly, functional agroecosystems are inherently climate-smart, with improved adaptive capacity and mitigation potential. They demonstrate 20-30% higher resilience to climatic stresses compared to conventional systems (Verchot et al., 2007), while simultaneously sequestering 0.5-6.9 Mg C ha^-1 year^-1 in the Indian context (Dhyani et al., 2017). The economic value of these ecosystem services, including improved soil health and water regulation, has been estimated at $600-1,000 ha^-1 year^-1 (Sandhu et al., 2016). This confluence of economic and environmental benefits supports a green economic transition, shifting agriculture towards sustainability while maintaining or even enhancing profitability. As such, functional agroecosystems represent a viable pathway for achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals, including Zero Hunger, Climate Action, and Life on Land (Waldron et al., 2017), making them a cornerstone of sustainable agricultural development.
Image 4: Green economic growth and netzero transition through nature-centric solutions to redefine the traditional sustainability paradigm by creating harmonious interactions between human progress and natural systems.
Building Equity and Social Inclusion
The adoption of functional agroecosystems can also address social inequalities in agriculture. These systems empower small-scale farmers with sustainable, low-input techniques, preserve and value traditional and Indigenous farming knowledge, create diverse employment opportunities in rural areas and Improve food security and nutrition at the local level. By integrating social considerations into agricultural practices, functional agroecosystems contribute to building more equitable and inclusive rural communities.
Functional agroecosystems play a pivotal role in addressing social inequalities and fostering inclusive rural communities. These systems are particularly empowering for small-scale farmers, who constitute 84% of all farms globally (Lowder et al., 2016). By promoting sustainable, low-input techniques, functional agroecosystems can reduce production costs by 30-60% compared to conventional systems (Pretty et al., 2018), making agriculture more accessible and profitable for resource-poor farmers. Furthermore, these systems inherently value and integrate traditional and Indigenous farming knowledge, enhancing cultural preservation and social inclusion. A study in India found that agroforestry systems incorporating traditional practices improved farmers’ income by 25-30% while simultaneously strengthening cultural identity (Pandey, 2007). The diversification inherent in functional agroecosystems creates varied employment opportunities in rural areas, with research indicating a 30-50% increase in labor demand compared to monocultures (Altieri et al., 2015). This diversification also significantly improves local food security and nutrition. A meta-analysis of 50 studies across the Global South found that farm diversification increased dietary diversity scores by 14-18% (Jones, 2017). Moreover, functional agroecosystems contribute to gender equity; a study across 60 sites in Africa reported that agroforestry initiatives increased women’s income by 17-25% and their participation in household decision-making by 20-35% (Kiptot & Franzel, 2012). By integrating these social considerations into agricultural practices, functional agroecosystems foster more equitable and inclusive rural communities. They address multiple dimensions of rural poverty and social marginalization, aligning closely with Sustainable Development Goals such as No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Gender Equality (FAO, 2018). Thus, functional agroecosystems serve not only as a tool for ecological sustainability but also as a powerful mechanism for social transformation in rural landscapes.
Nature offers infinite potential and options for unlocking natural solutions for sustainable living and livelihoods through restoring functional agroecosystems (Biradar 2021). We have learned from evidence at scale about food, water, land, carbon footprint, and how the agroecosystem approach transforms unsustainable land use through untapped potential. Regenerative agroecosystems offer a transformative approach to agriculture that simultaneously addresses climate change, nutrition security, and economic sustainability. This synthesis workshop explores the potential of these systems to drive a green economic transition while achieving net-zero emissions and improving global nutrition.
Functional agroecosystems represent a holistic solution to the pressing challenges of floods, droughts, and climate change. By embracing the principles of regenerative agriculture and agroforestry, we can create resilient landscapes that not only withstand extreme weather events but also restore biodiversity, sequester carbon, and build healthier soils.
These systems offer a path towards a green economic transition in agriculture, one that values sustainability, resilience, and social equity. As we face an uncertain climate future, the adoption and scaling of functional agroecosystems may well be one of our most powerful tools for creating a sustainable and food-secure world.
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Transforming India’s Food and Land Systems for a Healthier Future
Insights from the High-Level Plenary on Enabling Sustainable and Resilient Food and Land Systems in India. By CM Biradar
In a world grappling with climate change and public health crises, India stands at a critical crossroads. The recent high-level plenary discussion on “Enabling Sustainable and Resilient Food and Land Systems in India” brought together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: how to create a food system that nourishes both our people and our planet.
The Interconnected Crisis: Land Degradation and Public Health
The plenary highlighted a stark reality: the health of India’s population is inextricably linked to the health of its land. Consider these sobering statistics:
These figures paint a picture of a nation where the decline in land health is mirrored by a decline in human health. With half of India’s workforce tied to food and land systems, the economic implications of this crisis are profound.
A Holistic Solution: Functional Agroecosystems and Agroforestry
The good news? We have a powerful solution at our fingertips. The plenary emphasized the potential of functional agroecosystems and agroforestry to address both land and human health simultaneously. This approach focuses on creating systems characterized by “five highs”:
The Multiple Benefits of Transformation
By embracing functional agroecosystems, with focus on land, water and food in India stands to gain on multiple fronts:
Charting the Path Forward
Implementing this vision will require a concerted effort across sectors. The plenary outlined a multi-pronged strategy:
A Call to Action
The transformation of India’s food and land systems is not just an environmental or agricultural initiative—it’s a comprehensive strategy for national health and prosperity. As we are heading towards grassroots level action for global change and Global Green Growth transition to reflect on the insights from this plenary, we’re more convinced than ever of the urgent need for action.
We call on policymakers, businesses, farmers, and citizens to unite behind this vision. By working together to implement functional agroecosystems and agroforestry practices, we can create a healthier, more resilient, and more prosperous India.
The path to a sustainable future is clear. It’s time to nurture our land, so it can nurture us in return. Join us in this crucial endeavor to transform India’s food and land systems—for the health of our nation and generations to come.
Moderated by Dr Ruchika Singh, Executive Program Director, Food, Land and Water, WRI India and Dr. Sampriti Baruah, Program Head, Sustainable Agriculture, Food, Land and Water, WRI India with distinguished panelists Ms. Yogita Rana, IAS, Joint Secretary, Department Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, and Director General, MANAGE, Hyderaba; Mr. Takayuki Hagiwara, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) Representative in India; Ms. Pritee Chaudhary, Regional Director, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI); Padma Shri Reema Nanavaty, Director, Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA); and Dr. Chandrashekhar M. Biradar, Chairman and Managing Director, Global Green Growth Co. & Former Country Director-India CIFOR-ICRAF
Nature adds immeasurable value to our future, offering both tangible and intangible benefits. From providing essential ecosystem services to enhancing our physical and mental well-being, nature is a cornerstone of sustainable development. Investing in natural capital – through conservation, restoration, and sustainable use – not only preserves biodiversity but also ensures economic resilience and social well-being for generations to come. As we face global challenges like climate change, nature-based solutions offer innovative and cost-effective strategies for adaptation and mitigation, proving that our future prosperity is inextricably linked to the health of our natural world.